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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Travel tips✈️

I'll be honest... I might not be a very good driver but I can navigate an airport like a pro. (I'm aware that finding flights in an airport isn't that impressive but at least there's one way that I can successfully transport myself from point A to point B without getting T-boned). If there is one thing that the past 3 years of traveling for modeling has taught me, it's how to successfully and independently navigate the major airports of the United States while not getting hijacked. Here's some tips that might come in handy the next time u take the sky by yourself...

1) Look like you mean business. Who wants to get kidnapped in an airport? Yeah, nobody. While you may be tempted to dress super cute and trendy... I highly recommend going with the "I'm a bum and don't mess with me" look which includes black sweats, big shirts/sweaters, and a hat. If you are too tempted to be Instagram ready when u step off the plane, just be sure to be on your game and like mama always said "don't talk to strangers." 

2) Comfortable shoes are key. Again, style is not the primary goal here. Layovers can be really close together and if you are trying to get all the way  from terminal D to E in the Atlanta airport in 20 minutes, even wedges are not your friend. 

3) Pull the unaccompanied minor card if possible. If you are booked for an 11:30pm flight but you happen to be at the airport in time for the 9pm flight, make friends with the check-in ladies at your gate and hint that it's probably a bad idea for an unaccompanied minor to be chilling in the airport close to midnight. You might get lucky and get a seat on the earlier flight. 

4) Quest bars are your friend. Airport food isn't cheap and you are probably going to get hungry while you are there, especially if your flight is delayed.  Plus sometimes you just don't have time in between flights to grab food. My favorite snack is Quest bars because their high protein content gives me energy and fills me up. Ps- highly recommend the Cinnamon roll flavor for morning flights... Literally taste just like the real thing.

5) Be on time. I'm aware it might seem crazy to get to the airport over an hour before your flight departs but you never know how long security is going to take. Just think, if you miss your flight, you are going to be stuck waiting on the next opportunity to get out for who knows how long and you might run out of Quest bars. 😉

Hope these are helpful tips that assist you in becoming the next airport navigating pro... Safe travels and good luck! 

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