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Friday, October 23, 2015

"Straight Outta Independence Hall" (with apologies to N.W.A.)

I have always had a love for history. We all learn the Pledge of Allegiance before we are four... My grandmother took that a step further by teaching me the Preamble basically straight out of diapers. Perhaps this is because my 7th great uncle, William Few, was one of the Georgia signers of the United States Constitution. 
Even greater than this appreciation for the past is a love for my country.   

On a recent trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, my parents and I were excited to experience a piece of our nation's history first hand. The Liberty Bell is a powerful symbol of America and is a reminder that in this country, we stand for "liberty and justice for all." While the Bell no longer rings, it's sound message is perhaps more powerful than any chime. "Threatened many times, the Liberty Bell outlasted adversity, offering hope for a better tomorrow when Liberty may truly touch us all." 

I have had the opportunity to stand in front of symbols of our country's history such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and Arlington National Cemetery in DC. I would not trade opportunities like these for anything.These locations remind us of those who sacrificed themselves for our freedom and laid down the foundations for what is now the greatest nation in the world. 

If you find yourself near one of these National Historic landmarks, I highly recommend you visit! Like the Liberty Bell, each site has a symbolic message and will challenge you to search for the meaning of liberty within you. God bless the USA! 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Satisfy your sweet tooth...

If you are anything like me, you most likely constantly have a sweet tooth. However, eating cookies and ice cream every day probably isn’t the best step towards a healthy life. I tried this protein cookie recipe from the other night so I could satisfy my sweet tooth and it was actually really good (if you like bananas)! My friend Kinsi even tried them :)

– 1/4 cup of Flax seeds
– 2 tsp of Chia seeds
– 1 Banana
– 2 tbsp Dark chocolate chips
– 1 scoop of PB2
– 2 scoops of Protein powder (vanilla)

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. In a large mixing bowl add 2 scoops of the protein powder (you can use vegan protein powder to make these cookies vegan) and 1 scoop of PB2.  If you don’t have PB2 available, you can use all natural peanut butter.
3. Mash the banana, PB2 and protein powder until creamy.
4. Then mix in the ground flax seeds, chia seeds and dark chocolate chips.
5. Grease a baking sheet with cooking spray and drop about 1 1/2 tbsp sized drops onto the baking pan. The cookies will not rise, so spread them out into a circular shape.
6. Bake 7-9 minutes, or until cookies are firm and the edges are golden brown.

Hope you enjoy these yummy and protein packed treats… comment below what you thought of them! 

Friday, October 9, 2015

FALLing for pumpkin


Interested in a delicious, healthy, and easy snack that is perfect for the Fall season?? Try this simple and quick peanut butter and pumpkin overnight oats recipe from

1 cup quick oats
1 ¼ cups unsweetened almond milk
¾ cup pumpkin
½ cup PB2 Powdered peanut butter
½ tsp pumpkin pie spice
½ tsp cinnamon

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and mix well to combine
Place in jars in the refrigerator overnight or for a minimum of 3 hours.
      Serve cold or warm up before serving. 

Not only does pumpkin serve as a yummy natural sweetener, it also has many other health benefits. One cup of pumpkin has 550 mg of potassium-which aids in muscle and electrolyte recovery. This makes pumpkin a better source of potassium than any other fruit or vegetable. I know it’s easy to grab the first thing in sight for snack when you finish a tough workout but try stocking this overnight oats recipe in the fridge… your muscles will thank you.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hold onto your hats!

HAT: Vignettes (Augusta, Ga)

SHIRT: H and M

SKIRT: H and M

SHOES: Frye boots


Happy Fall y'all!! If you have had a chance to scan through the September issues of Teen Vogue you most likely noticed the over whelming appearance of stylish hats featured in this year’s Fall fashion ads. I don’t know about you, but I was definitely excited to see this trend since throwing on a stylish hat is way easier (and put together looking) than curling or straightening my hair! From a brown or black fedora to a more relaxed beanie, this season’s style is perfect for the girl on the go who is looking to add a finishing touch to her casual fall look. 

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