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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The ultimate "Hit the Quan" workout.

Most of my friends already know this but I'm probably the biggest "Hit the Quan" fan out there. Perhaps this is from cheering for my brother (the long snapper for the Ole Miss Rebels) almost every Saturday this past fall... Laquan Tredwell is one of the star players so whenever he made a play "Hit the Quan" filled the stadium. Anyways, since this song is my ultimate hype jam I HAD to incorporate it into my workout routine! Squats and grande pliĆ©s are essential for toned legs but can be miserable if you don't make the toning exercises fun. I mixed the infamous "Hit the Quan" dance and the classic squat position to create the perfect 3 minute thigh workout that is perfect for the dance floor (or even better, in the middle of the woods!) 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Renew in me a right spirit

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

So often in my life I worry or stress for absolutely no reason. I allow negative thoughts of self-doubt to creep into my mind instead of letting our heavenly Father take control and guide me where he see's fit. I was reading one of my favorite daily devotional books and came across a great reminder-If we continue to try to do our absolute best in everything laid out in front of us (but through our own measures) than we will only continue to greet disappointment. Don't get me wrong. I think it is so so so important to take full advantage of the opportunities we come across in life and I am an example of someone who really has trouble saying "no" to opportunities.  However, in order for us to have a renewed spirit we HAVE to let go of all the worry, stress, planning, etc and allow God to take control of our lives. He will define your paths and with His spirit in you, you can actively fulfill what he has laid out for you. While we may feel like we can accomplish everything on our own, it is best to sit back and as Carrie Underwood once sang "let Jesus take the wheels."I have made a dedicated effort to do this more in 2016 but it is tough......I continually will be reminding myself of one of my favorite verses Proverbs 16:9.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Finally winter

Well baby it's cold outside and that means it is officially SOUP SEASON! For snack today I enjoyed a bowl of delicious Kale Bean soup and it was too good not to share. Try out this recipe...

1) Boil until tender
Black Beans (We used one bag)

2) Saute 
14 oz of Chicken broth 
Fresh rosemary 

3) Add a large bag of kale and the black beans and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes

PS-Thanks for the yummy soup mom!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Looking forward to a happy 2016!

Here's to a happy, healthy, and rewarding New Year--filled with good things and college admissions! I am really looking forward to a great 2016! This is a year full of big steps for me since I will graduating High School and starting college. What are YOU looking forward to in 2016? Comment below :) 

PHOTOGRAPHY: Philip Lee Photography

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A fresh, NEW start to the NEW YEAR

WOW... It's heard to believe that Christmas break is over and second semester is about to swing into session. I'm not sure about you, but I know this Christmas break has made getting out of shape a little too easy. Fortunately the new year is a great time to either return to or jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. 

One of the best ways to get in the routine of being active is to find an activity that you actually enjoy that keeps you fit. For me that's distance running so whenever I am stressed out or need a pick me up, I hit the trails! If you aren't sure what active activity is best for you, don't be afraid to be adventurous and try out new things. I am also a big Barre fan so if running isn't your thing than perhaps group exercise classes are...its always helpful to have others around you that keep you  motivated during your workout. 
What ever activity you choose, be sure to stick to it and turn it into a habit so that it becomes a part of your lifestyle. Oh... and REMEMBER TO ALWAYS STRETCH so you won't be too sore the next day. #nooffdays 

PHOTOGRAPHY: Philip Lee Photography

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