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Saturday, January 2, 2016

A fresh, NEW start to the NEW YEAR

WOW... It's heard to believe that Christmas break is over and second semester is about to swing into session. I'm not sure about you, but I know this Christmas break has made getting out of shape a little too easy. Fortunately the new year is a great time to either return to or jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. 

One of the best ways to get in the routine of being active is to find an activity that you actually enjoy that keeps you fit. For me that's distance running so whenever I am stressed out or need a pick me up, I hit the trails! If you aren't sure what active activity is best for you, don't be afraid to be adventurous and try out new things. I am also a big Barre fan so if running isn't your thing than perhaps group exercise classes are...its always helpful to have others around you that keep you  motivated during your workout. 
What ever activity you choose, be sure to stick to it and turn it into a habit so that it becomes a part of your lifestyle. Oh... and REMEMBER TO ALWAYS STRETCH so you won't be too sore the next day. #nooffdays 

PHOTOGRAPHY: Philip Lee Photography

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