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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Prom season!

Can you believe that it is already Prom season?! Wow... this year has flown by. With Prom season comes prom dress shopping season. Luckily, I get to enjoy that during a majority of the year. Modeling for one of the nation's leading prom dress designers means that at every market runway show I basically play dress up and do the prom shopping for my friends and me (whether they really want me texting them in August saying "I found your Prom dress" is questionable). It also means that I get a little preview of what styles are 'in' for Prom that year.

Let me just tell you... there is definitely a reason to be excited for Prom season this year.

I am super excited about this years major styles... lot's of two-piece dresses, florals, and even some simple chiffons were on the runway. My biggest advice for staying in-style this year is to not be afraid to be bold. Whether that is through a bright color, a fun pattern, or maybe even a pant suit is up to whatever best suits your own sense of style!

Link to MacDuggal's Prom line 2016-
*PS- Recongnize the first girl? ;) 

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